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Bill SB2451, was introduced in January 22, 2016.  It's purpose is "Amends fines for the destroying or harvesting of koa trees and other trees and plants on state lands to an amount up to the market value at the time and place of the violation of each tree or plant and the cost of restoration or replacement of the habitat. Clarifies that any person that violates a provision of part II of chapter 183, HRS, (forest reserves) or any rule adopted pursuant thereto, other than section 183-17, HRS, shall be guilty of a petty misdemeanor. Repeals the general penalty provision of chapter 183, HRS. (SB2451 HD2)"(Hawaii State Legislature).  It has gotten quite far and had a conference meeting in the end of April.

Bill SB2451 <>.


The Bill HB1869 was created stating it "Appropriates funds to the Department of Agriculture to assist and fund the National Wildlife Research Center with research of the negative impacts of the rose-ringed parakeet on Kauai and development and implementation of a control plan to reduce the negative impacts. (SD1)".

Bill HB1869 <>.


The recurring issue is that there are many great bills in action and they are going far, however; the amount of time to get recognized is more often than not enough time to save the koa.


Humans have both saved and destroyed our native plants.  For the past 50 years, Koa was being used for lumber and other marketing means.  However, there are more organizations such as Hawaiian Legacy Hardwoods(HLH), Hawaii Agriculture Resource Center (HARC), have been planting and taking care of these Koa.  


The actions have led to a nicer image for the future.  I wasn't able to plant Koa trees for the sake of trying to preserve the little amounts left of them.  I did speak with the manager of HARC and learn about several new cultivation practices such as the soil used, along with the sunlight and watering amounts.

In order to effect personal change is through spreading awareness and knowing that everyone is different.  Nothing has just "one" method/improvement.  There are plenty of ways to help protect Koa such as communicating with others, becoming part of an organization for the environment, donating money, suggesting ideas to the legislature for change.












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